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Psalm 51

Talk at Main Street Community Church, 21 March 2021.

What follows here is in response to reading II Samuel 11:1 - 12:12, and then Psalm 51. (Read those passages to make full sense of what follows.)


From this Psalm we could discuss all kinds of useful and interesting things - such as that Uriah was a Hittite, one of a race that God told Joshua to exterminate - and yet God supports a Hittite against David, that David should not have been in Jerusalem, enjoying a leisurely life while the people were at war, and so on. But we won't discuss these. I want to focus on the core meaning of this Psalm: confession of sin.

There are several kinds of sermons or talks in church. There's teaching, exhortation, inspiration, encouragement. And there's one that we don't often find much today, but which used to be more common: doing business with God over sin. Sometimes we need a springclean; sometimes sin is lurking somewhere in us. This Psalm 51 offers us an opportunity to do this.

The Love of God

The context of this psalm, and all that follows in it, is in verses 1,2: "Your unfailing love".

We assume this refers to God's love for David. But no! As we see later in the Psalm, David had a wider view: God also loved other sinners too, and even the whole nation of Zion. God's unfailing love is even wider that that: Psalm 145 tells us that God has compassion on the whole Creation.

Because of his love, God wants all Creation to work well together - with joy.

This helps us understand God's law properly, including the ones that David broke - against adultery, murder and maybe false witness.

God's law is an expression of the deep laws by which Creation works well together in all its aspects - not just biological, but psychological, technical, social, economic, aesthetic, ethical, worship, and more. All working in harmony. God loves all, and has put us in relationship.

Sin, then is what disrupts and destroys this. (And because God has compassion on all, that deeply hurts God.)

Take the law "You must not commit adultery." Why is that law included in the Torah? Various reasons, but the one I find most compelling is that adultery destroys one of the most intimate trust relationships that there can be. Marriage is not just an institution; it is an artform, where the couple work together over the years to produce something beautiful, and that working together requires trust. Adultery destroys that trust. Adultery also says to the other "You are worthless; I and my pleasure are more important than you are."

That is why David's adultery "displeased the Lord". It is not just that David broke one or two spoken statutes of the Law, but something much fuller and more damaging, and we understand this when we recognise the love of God as the context. It is according to this love that David appeals.

Lurking Sin

Sin lurks under the surface of our lives and generates anguish, pain or a dulling of aspects of life. Psalm 32:4-5 tells us that before David confessed his sin, he found bodily pain and mental anguish ("While I kept silent my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long"). Not all anguish is because of sin, but some of it is. The sin lurking in David sapped his health and mental health.

What I want us to think about is: am I aware of a sin lurking? Am I aware of of some dull pain in various aspects of my life? Might it because of some lurking sin? This psalm gives us an opportunity to recognise it and deal with it - as someone put it, to do business with God.

Responses to Sin

There are several responses to sin, especially that which lunks under the surface of our lives, four of which I will mention.

People of a practical bent might say "It's not enough to say Sorry; you have to do something to make it right, to make reparations." They are right, but too often doing something to mitigate the consequences of sin is not enough, because it is avoiding and bypassing the issue. The real issue is attitude of heart.

[Added 22 March 2021: On a national level, what did the European Union do over its botched planning of coronavirus vaccinations? Might it have been if it had confessed, rather than try to excuse and fight? (Fighting others is perhaps a sub-type of cover up, or may be a different type.)]

Attitude of Heart

David is called "a man after God's own heart", and this is shown by his response when the reality of what he did was made clear to him. "I have sinned." No excuses. No comparing himself with others.

Someone pointed out that there is no fear evident in this psalm. David was not saying "please forgive me so that I will escape punishment". Rather, David wanted a relationship with God. David wanted to be clean and holy. And he knew that he could not do this himself; only God could do this. This is why he casts himself onto the mercy of God.

He realised that God has every right to withdraw his Spirit, and to cast him out of his presence. So all he can do is plead.

Some think that verse xx is David arguing with God. I don't see it like that. In the Hebrew in verses 7-12 the Hebrew has "you" many times where the English lacks it. "You cleanse me ... you wash me ... salvation of you ..." David wants God, not just just cleansing, salvation, joy, etc.

The joy that follows spurs him to teach other sinners, not because he ought to, but because of the joy of restored relationship he has experienced.

[Added 22 March 2021. This all comes from David's attitude of heart, the "inner parts ... inmost place" [verse 6] of his being. It is these that are important to God. God welcomes the "broken and contrite heart" [v.17].]

So what about us?

Do we have sin lurking in us? Sin unconfessed can undermine, or take the shine off, almost every aspect of our lives. Not only bodily and mental health, but our clarity of thinking, our ability to achieve. Our speaking and hearing, reading and writing. Our relationships. It can lead to futile waste of time and effort and even money - as David found. It undermines the harmony and enjoyment of living. it generates injustice, makes us self-centred and self-protective, and it puts a shadow on our relationship with God and our view of who we are.

But what is the sin that does this? It is often not obvious, not the one we think about. God had to show David the real nature of his sin: robbing the poor when he himself was wealthy. What is the reality of our lurking sin?

Remember God's unfailing love. God does not want to punish us, but to bring us reality, the reality about ourselves, so that he can cleanse us and give us joy.

Ask God what it might be, any lurking sin. Don't introspect; don't try to find them yourself, but wait for God to show you - in minutes, hours, days, or maybe through some episode in your life.

And when God shows you, then

Let us now sing 'O for a closer walk with God'. This was composed by William Cowper, who went through periods of depression. While it is being sung, there is an opportunity, if you wish, as someone put it, to do business with God.

Ask God what sin is in you and, if he shows you, confess it. Jesus invites us, "Come to me all you who are burdened and I will give you rest" [Matthew 11:28] John tells us, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and [what David wanted] cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

After the song I will pray, and then hand back to Moira.

Think of others?

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About This Page

This page, URL= '', is on-going work in developing a 'New View' in theology that is appropriate to the days that are coming upon us. Comments, queries welcome.

Compiled by Andrew Basden. Written on the Amiga with Protext in the style of Classic HTML.

Created: 4 April 2021. Last updated: 13 September 2021 created the HTML.